Media Monitoring Week: Day after Croydon Tram Crash

Thursday 10th November 2016 

The day after the tram crash in Croydon, there was more coverage as the US presidential election took up the majority.

The Guardian reported that

Croydon tram driver ‘blacked out’ in crash that killed seven, claim passengers

The Guardian’s approach the next day,was to seek out the answers that caused the horrific attack. The tram derailment was such a tragic event, but that made no difference to the amount of coverage it got. Nonetheless The Guardian, were one of the few newspapers to continue reporting the story throughout the Wednesday 14th November. Within the article, The guardian spoke to the victims involved in the crash. The victims accounts of what happened included: vivid horrific recalls whist stuck on the tram and whilst it derailed .Also it was said that, the driver told passengers he “blacked out.” This approach that this outlet took, shows that they tried to find out what actually happened that morning. This includ: witness accounts as well as victim accounts to get some answers for the tragic event.

This approach uses the allegation of the ‘tram driver blacked out’ to pin point the angle of the story. To give the public answers as to what may have happened. This angle seems to put the driver at fault for the crash. However “blacking out” can be seen as having different meanings and interpretations. Also what caused the black out ? is not questioned.

The Guardian also identifies that there was a similar incident on the 31st of October  which didn’t make headlines. However this incident didn’t result in lives lost but the tram was able to be controlled even from a higher speed than regulated.



10th November 2016

Croydon tram crash: First victim named as Dane Chinnery

The day after the crash BBC NEWS online and Television,reported the identity of the first victim 19 -year-old Dane Chinnery. The victims that lost their lives, due to this tragic event ; identities were still unknown until the day after.The headline for BBC confirms that lives were lost and naming the first victim can imply how difficult finding the identities of the victims were. BBC News reporting the identity, was an approach to inform the public that victims were normal people doing a journey they do day in and day out. BBC News’ approach was published on their website as well as broadcasted as apart of BBC News at six.

Even though the articles headline focuses on revealing the name of the first victim. Within the article it features video interviews that were broadcasted on the news channel from the survivors. They recalled the horrific events describing their events but clearly are very traumatised by the event. This approach gave an insight to the public to make their own judgements about what may have happened to cause such a catastrophic event.


The Telegraph took a different approach to the Croydon tram crash.

Croydon tram crash: Police set to check driver’s mobile phone records

The headline states that police are looking into phone records from the tram driver. The Telegraph doing so , highlights the fact that there are several factors that need to be taken into consideration. Also the fact that, the driver has obligated himself to a responsibility to not use his phone whilst driving a tram could possibly be the reason the tram failed to slow down. The Telegraph reporting this differs from The Guardian who reported the tram driver ‘blacked out’at the wheel.

Using a mobile phone whilst driving has become a massive offence especially for motor drivers. The fact that , there’s speculation as to whether the driver could have been using a phone will leave him sorely responsible for the crash. Using a phone whilst driving a tram is completely prohibited.

As the reason the tram crashed has yet to be revealed newspapers sites,television  and online platforms are delving into theses different allegations.

The Sun

SEIZED AT SCENE Moment Croydon tram crash driver is arrested by cops on suspicion of manslaughter after doing 50 on a 12mph bend

The Sun covered the story the next day by focusing on the tram Drivers arrest for manslaughter. The Sun used photographs of the unidentified tram driver and the article elaborates on the driver arrest. To The Sun’s readers and it will be seen as a stepping stone into justice for the victims. As well as holding someone responsible and actually trying to find out what actually happened. The Sun seems to believe that the driver was going to fast hence why the tram crashed as highlighted in the headline.

Through out the day:

BBC News , Sky News, Guardian and The Croydon Advertiser continue to release the identities of the seven that died during the crash. There was not much information on any new findings that caused the crash. TfL have ensured that trams are a safe service to use for the public.

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